Our Mission:

After having spent four years in Quebec under some of the world's most widely respected Poutine Masters, Emily and Danica have acquired a great admiration for the delicious delicacy that has been both nourishing (?) and comforting to the two young ladies through times of thick and thin. As a matter of fact, they have decided to pay a little tribute to their favorite dish and to the people of the poutine world by dedicating the following two months to making the final call on the most scrumptiously satisfying dish found in Montreal today. Without further ado, we welcome you to embark on this journey with us, on a journey of truth. We welcome you to the International Montreal Poutine Tour 2010!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

An Unofficial Stop on the Tour

After a late night filled with numerous drinks for a farewell night for our very good friend Stefan Rosenbaum, Danica and other good friend Jeff AKA Jay'Dore thought it was necessary to get a Pout (even though it was a night off...) They ended up at Pizza Giovani on St. Laurent.  

Jay and D couldn't resist... It definitely was not part of our official loop, readers need not worry, all they remember is a poutine soup and a nasty poutine hangover the next day. Not cute.

Check out Jay'Dore's music at www.myspace.com/jaydore!

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