Our Mission:

After having spent four years in Quebec under some of the world's most widely respected Poutine Masters, Emily and Danica have acquired a great admiration for the delicious delicacy that has been both nourishing (?) and comforting to the two young ladies through times of thick and thin. As a matter of fact, they have decided to pay a little tribute to their favorite dish and to the people of the poutine world by dedicating the following two months to making the final call on the most scrumptiously satisfying dish found in Montreal today. Without further ado, we welcome you to embark on this journey with us, on a journey of truth. We welcome you to the International Montreal Poutine Tour 2010!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


While this post may be coming a week late (the massive amount of poutine in our bodies is making us lazy...), that does not reflect the quality of this poutine. On Saturday the 20th of June we ventured to Pitarifique on Rachel near the corner of St. Laurent.
It's a small unassuming souvlaki/pita restaurant with a few tables and take-out, but once you try the food you can see right away how addicting it is.

Here's our rundown of the poutine:
a) Crispiness - 4.5
b) Thickness of fries - 4.5
c) Gooeyness of Fromage - 3 (though that's not a bad thing)  
d) Quality of curd - 5 (!!) 
e) Quality of gravy - 4 (it's vegetarian and homemade)
f) Value (ie cheapness) - 4 ($5.85)

The Poutine: (we didn't even get a picture before we started eating because it looked so good)

Best accompanied with:
- Souvlaki pita and a diet coke...because we're watching our weight haha...)
- Tropic Thunder the movie playing in the background (there's two TVs playing movies or the news at all times)

Special Notes:
- Amazing service, our poutine was specially made and delivered by the owner of Pitarifique, George.
- At the questioning of one of the workers there, we have decided to make business cards (that's right, we're in demand and becoming official)

Us with George the Owner behind the counter

The Total Shebang:
- It was awesome. Really good squeaky curd, tasty gravy, crispy delicious fries. It doesn't get much better than this. For a place that doesn't even specialize in poutine, they are doing something seriously right.

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