Our Mission:

After having spent four years in Quebec under some of the world's most widely respected Poutine Masters, Emily and Danica have acquired a great admiration for the delicious delicacy that has been both nourishing (?) and comforting to the two young ladies through times of thick and thin. As a matter of fact, they have decided to pay a little tribute to their favorite dish and to the people of the poutine world by dedicating the following two months to making the final call on the most scrumptiously satisfying dish found in Montreal today. Without further ado, we welcome you to embark on this journey with us, on a journey of truth. We welcome you to the International Montreal Poutine Tour 2010!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

L'Anecdote to our hunger

Our second stop on our tour occurred tonight, and it was by chance as we were heading to La Banquise and luckily decided to skip that one for now (we will return) and happened upon L'Anecdote instead. L'Anecdote is a cute diner style restaurant on the corner of Rachel and St. Hubert that I thought only served breakfast, but luckily for us I was wrong. 

So here goes the scoring - a reminder that 0 is "no no no" and 5 is "fuck ya" 
a) Crispiness - 2 (if it had been crispy we think it would be one of the best in the city)
b) Thickness of fries - 3.5  (standard size) 
c) Gooeyness of Fromage - 5 (it was perfect curds)
d) Quality of curd - 5 
e) Quality of gravy - 5 (Dark, alors substance and really salty) 
f) Value (ie cheapness) - 3 ($7.80 and a good size)  

The Pout:

Some quotes from the evening (along with Special Guest Mackenzie Donaldson)
Em - "The cheese is just perfect, that's what a curd just is"
Waitress - "Have you tried our Poutine with Emmental?" and "Are you guys being paid to do this?" (Haha we wish...)
Mackenzie - "You can just taste the potato, I don't think the lack of crispiness takes away from it"
Danica - "Yup."

Best Accompanied With: A pichet of Boreal Rousse for $14 and lots of water to ease the pout down along with a fab playlist of cute french musique

The Total Shebang: 
D - Okay I know we're only on the 2nd pout officially, but I have a lot of poutine experience and this is the best one I have had in a long time! Yup loved it, note to l'Anecdote chefs - crispier fries and you're golden.
P.S. It was enjoyable watching the slow decline of my wing woman Em. This one hit her hard... could it be the two bagels with cream cheese and salami that she pre-ate with? We need to start going on more runs.
Em - I don't think I can even write right now. Whew.

Good to the last drop!

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